All images and designs depicted herein are artists' conceptual renderings, which are based upon preliminary development plans and are subject to change without notice. All such materials are not to scale and are shown solely for illustrative purposes. Renderings depict proposed views, which are not identical from each location within the building. No guarantees or representations whatsoever are made that existing or future views from the project and of the surrounding areas depicted by artists' conceptual renderings or otherwise described herein, will be provided or, if provided, will be as depicted or described herein. Any view may in the future be limited or eliminated by future development or forces of nature, and the Developer in no manner guarantees the continuing existence of any view. The photographs contained in this brochure may be stock photography or have been taken off-site and are used to depict the spirit of the project and the surroundings and are merely intended as illustration of the activities and concepts depicted therein. All fixtures, furniture, and items of finish and decoration are conceptual and are for display only and may not to be included, or if included, be as depicted. The delivery dates, list of prospective tenants, amenities, design features, floor plans, F&B outlets, ceiling and window heights and all other matters of detail and/or finish are subject to change. This building is being developed by Clematis Banyan JV LLC, 300 Banyan LLC and 301 Clematis LLC (collectively, the “Developer”), which has a limited right to use the trademarked names and logos of Wheelock Street Capital, Brand Atlantic Real Estate Partners and others (collectively, the “Team”). Any and all statements, disclosures and/or representations shall be deemed made by Developer and not by the Team and you agree to look solely to Developer (and not to the Team and/or any of its or their affiliates) with respect to any and all matters relating to the marketing and/or development of the project and with respect to the leases of space within the project. Developer may at any time make modifications and/or changes to the design team and/or the Team and no party should rely upon the continued involvement of the described team. Amenities depicted are proposed and use rights (including any fees associated with same) shall be only as set forth in any lease that may be signed.